

dde.js is an experimental library available on Github : flavi1/dde.js

dde.js native (only chrome currently)

You can use this implementation as a web extension. In this case, dde.js is supported "natively" by your browser. As a benefit, you can browse on dde pages (strict and respectuous modes, see documentation) without enable Javascript.

Install dde.js in Chrome

  1. Unzip the file: From flavi1/dde.js Click on the green button "Code" and download the ZIP file
  2. Go to the extensions page: Open Google Chrome and type in the address bar: chrome://extensions/.
  3. Enable Developer mode: At the top right of the extensions page, make sure the "Developer mode" toggle is turned on.
  4. Load the extension: Click on the "Load unpacked" button. A file navigation window will open.
  5. Select the extension folder: Navigate to the decompressed extension folder and select it. Click "Select Folder" to load the extension.

Install dde.js in Firefox (available soon)


dde.js embeded

You can embed dde support in your pages, so people browse your pages will have the same interactive experience has they have a native support of dde. In this case it will not work without javascript, of course. Visitors will not have the dialog box to allow or disable Javascript on broken mode (see documentation).

  1. Unzip the file: From flavi1/dde.js Click on the green button "Code" and download the ZIP file
  2. Integrate the embed.js script on your page: On the head of your page : <script src="dde.js/embed.js"></script>.